



RMAN-07527: Reason: File was not created using DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initialization parameter

RMAN-07527: Reason: File was not created using DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initialization parameter
Cause: This message should be accompanied by other message(s) indicating the name of file that was not created using DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initialization parameter. One of the following scenarios caused this error: 1) This is an archived log file and was created when the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter was set explicitly to recovery area location. For example, LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1='location=+FRA' where '+FRA' was also your DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST value. 2) This is an RMAN backup file and was created in a recovery area using the FORMAT option of the BACKUP command. 3) This is an online log file or current control file and was created prior to setting the recovery area. 4) This file fits none of the above scenarios and is not supported by the recovery area.
Action: All of following actions will resolve future occurrences of this error: 1) To create archived logs in recovery area, set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter to 'location=USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST'. Do not explicitly set the LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter to a recovery area location. 2) To create RMAN backups in recovery area, do not use the FORMAT option of the BACKUP command. All of following actions will resolve current problem: 1) If this is an archived log file or an RMAN backup file, use the CATALOG command to re-catalog the files. 2) If this is an online log file or a current control file to be managed by the recovery area, re-create the file using the DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST initialization parameter.

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1 个回答

.原因:此消息应伴有指示未使用DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST初始化参数创建的文件的名称的其他消息。以下情况之一导致此错误:1)这是一个归档日志文件,并且是在将LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n初始化参数显式设置为恢复区域位置时创建的。例如,LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_1 ='location = + FRA',其中“+ FRA”也是您的DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST值。2)这是RMAN备份文件,是使用BACKUP命令的FORMAT选项在恢复区域中创建的。3)这是一个联机日志文件或当前控制文件,是在设置恢复区之前创建的。4)此文件不适合上述情况,恢复区不支持。,
.操作:以下所有操作都将解决此错误的未来发生:1)要在恢复区域中创建归档日志,请将LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n初始化参数设置为“location = USE_DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST”。不要将LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n初始化参数显式设置为恢复区域位置。2)要在恢复区域中创建RMAN备份,请不要使用BACKUP命令的FORMAT选项。所有以下操作将解决当前问题:1)如果这是归档日志文件或RMAN备份文件,请使用CATALOG命令重新编目文件。2)如果这是一个联机日志文件或要由恢复区域管理的当前控制文件,请使用DB_RECOVERY_FILE_DEST初始化参数重新创建该文件。,
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