



PLS-00960: RPCs cannot use parameters with schema-level object types in this release

PLS-00960: RPCs cannot use parameters with schema-level object types in this release
Cause: Schema-level object types, or types which recursively use such types, were used in an RPC, which is not permitted. For example: create type foo as object (...) create package my_pack is type my_rec is record(v foo); -- on a remote server: x my_pack.my_rec@rpc; -- illegal attempt to use type my_rec
Action: Use only PL/SQL-defined types in RPC calls. It may be necessary to add extra code to element-wise copy schema-level types into local types in order to move such data through an RPC.

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1 个回答

.原因:模式级对象类型或递归使用这些类型的类型在不允许的RPC中使用。例如:创建类型foo作为对象(...)创建包my_pack是类型my_rec是记录(v foo); - 在远程服务器上:x my_pack.my_rec@rpc; - 非法尝试使用类型my_rec,
.操作:仅在RPC调用中使用PL / SQL定义的类型。为了通过RPC移动这样的数据,可能需要将额外的代码添加到元素方式将模式级类型复制到本地类型中。,
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