



CRS-05019: All OCR locations are on ASM disk groups [string], and none of these disk groups are mounted. Details are at "string" in "string".

CRS-05019: All OCR locations are on ASM disk groups [string], and none of these disk groups are mounted. Details are at "string" in "string".
Cause: OCR was configured on ASM disk groups, and all of the listed disk groups failed to mount. The possible causes are:
1. A disk was not accessible.

2. A disk in a normal or high redundancy disk group failed after the most recent dismount.

3. The ASM_DISKSTRING in the SPFILE or the GPnP profile was incorrect.

Action: Check the ASM alert logs for more information. To correct disk access or failure issues either: a) restore access to the disks in the disk group and mount the disk group (via ASMCMD or SQL). or b) Issue a force mount to the disk group to offline missing disks and mount a normal or high redundancy disk group. To correct the ASM_DISKSTRING in the SPFILE and propagate the change to the GPnP profile, in sqlplus, issue the SQL command "ALTER SYSTEM SET ASM_DISKSTRING SCOPE=BOTH"

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CRS-05019:所有OCR位置都在ASM磁盘组[ string ]上,并且这些磁盘组都没有装载。详细信息是“ string ”中的“ string ”。,
.操作:检查ASM警报日志以获取更多信息。要更正磁盘访问或故障问题,请执行以下操作:a)还原对磁盘组中的磁盘的访问,并安装磁盘组(通过ASMCMD或SQL)。或b)向磁盘组发出强制装载以脱机丢失磁盘并挂载正常或高冗余磁盘组。要更正SPFILE中的ASM_DISKSTRING并将更改传播到GPnP配置文件,请在sqlplus中发出SQL命令“ALTER SYSTEM SET ASM_DISKSTRING SCOPE = BOTH”,
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