



PLS-00704: 'string' must be declared as an exception

PLS-00704: 'string' must be declared as an exception
Cause: The exception_name parameter passed to an EXCEPTION_INIT pragma is misspelled or does not refer to a legally declared exception. Or, the pragma is misplaced; it must appear in the same declarative section, somewhere after the exception declaration.
Action: Check the spelling of the exception_name parameter. Then, check the exception declaration, making sure the exception name and the keyword EXCEPTION are spelled correctly. Also make sure the pragma appears in the same declarative section somewhere after the exception declaration.

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PLS-00704:' string '必须声明为异常,
.原因:传递给EXCEPTION_INIT编译指示的exception_name参数拼写错误,或不引用合法声明的异常。或者,这个拼写错误; 它必须出现在相同的声明部分,在异常声明之后的某个地方。,
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