



PLS-00488: 'string' must be a type

PLS-00488: 'string' must be a type
Cause: The datatype specifier in a declaration or expression does not designate a legal type. For example, the %TYPE attribute might not have been added to a declaration, as in DECLARE my_sal emp.sal%TYPE; my_ename emp.ename; -- missing %TYPE ... When declaring a constant or variable, to provide the datatype of a column automatically, use the %TYPE attribute. Likewise, when declaring a record, to provide the datatypes of a row automatically, use the %ROWTYPE attribute.
Action: Make sure the datatype specifier designates a legal type. Remember to use the %TYPE and %ROWTYPE attributes when necessary.

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PLS-00488:' string '必须是一个类型,
.原因:声明或表达式中的数据类型说明符不指定合法类型。例如,%TYPE属性可能未添加到声明中,如DECLARE my_sal emp.sal%TYPE; my_ename emp.ename; - 缺少%TYPE ...当声明常量或变量时,要自动提供列的数据类型,请使用%TYPE属性。同样,当声明记录时,要自动提供行的数据类型,请使用%ROWTYPE属性。,
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