



PLS-00440: FORALL bulk IN-bind variables cannot be used here

PLS-00440: FORALL bulk IN-bind variables cannot be used here
Cause: A reference to a FORALL statement's bulk IN-bind variable was found in a context in which it is not permitted. For example, such variables are not permitted in expressions in the USING clause of a dynamic SQL statement: forall j in 1..Users.Count() execute immediate ' insert into System_Users(Username) values :U' using Upper(Users(j));
Action: In the case described above, move the expression from the USING clause into the SQL statement: forall j in 1..Users.Count() execute immediate ' insert into System_Users(Username) values Upper(:U)' using Users(j);

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PLS-00440:这里不能使用FORALL bulk IN-bind变量,
.原因:在不允许的上下文中发现对FORALL语句的批量IN-bind变量的引用。例如,在动态SQL语句的USING子句中的表达式中不允许使用此类变量:for.jsers.Count()中的forall j执行立即'insert into System_Users(Username)values:U'using Upper(Users(j ));,
.操作:在上述情况下,将表达式从USING子句移动到SQL语句中:for.js 1.Users.Count()执行立即插入到System_Users(用户名)值上((U))使用用户( j);,
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