



PLS-00403: expression 'string' cannot be used as an INTO-target of a SELECT/FETCH statement

PLS-00403: expression 'string' cannot be used as an INTO-target of a SELECT/FETCH statement
Cause: A FETCH statement was unable to assign a value to an assignment target in its INTO list because the target is not a legally formed and declared variable. For example, the following assignment is illegal because 'Jones' is a character string, not a variable: FETCH my_cur INTO 'Jones';
Action: Check the spelling and declaration of the assignment target. Make sure that the rules for forming variable names are followed.

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PLS-00403:表达式' string '不能用作SELECT / FETCH语句的INTO目标,
.原因: FETCH语句无法为INTO列表中的赋值目标赋值,因为目标不是合法形成和声明的变量。例如,以下作业是非法的,因为“Jones”是一个字符串,而不是一个变量:FETCH my_cur INTO'Jones';,
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