



ORA-14643: Hakan factor mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION

ORA-14643: Hakan factor mismatch for tables in ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE PARTITION
Cause: Either records_per_block has been minimized for one of the tables to be exchanged, but not the other, or the hakan factors for the tables to be exchanged are not equal.
Action: If records_per_block has been minimized for one of the tables, but not the other, either perform alter table with the NOMINIMIZE RECORDS_PER_BLOCK option for both tables, or perform alter table with the MINIMIZE RECORDS_PER_BLOCK for both tables. If the hakan factors do not match perform alter table with the NOMINIMIZE RECORDS_PER_BLOCK option for both tables.

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ORA-14643:ALTER TABLE EXCHANGE分区中的表的Hakan因子不匹配,
.操作:如果已针对其中一个表最小化了records_per_block,而对另一个表最小化了records_per_block,则对这两个表使用NOMINIMIZE RECORDS_PER_BLOCK选项执行alter table,或对这两个表使用MINIMIZE RECORDS_PER_BLOCK执行alter table。如果hakan因素不匹配,则对两个表执行alter table与NOMINIMIZE RECORDS_PER_BLOCK选项。,
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