



ORA-12345: user string lacks CREATE SESSION privilege in database link (linkname string)

ORA-12345: user string lacks CREATE SESSION privilege in database link (linkname string)
Cause: There are several possible causes for this message: First, you will get this message if your username in the second database specified was not granted the CREATE SESSION system privilege. Second, you will get this message if the username specified in the connect string of the database link definition was not granted the CREATE SESSION system privilege.
Action: The action you take depends upon the cause of the message: In the first case, ensure that your username in the secondary database was granted the CREATE SESSION system privilege. In the second case, ensure the username specified in the connect string of the database link definition was granted the CREATE SESSION system privilege in the secondary database.

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ORA-12345:用户字符串缺少数据库链接中的CREATE SESSION权限(链接名字符串),
.原因:此消息有几个可能的原因:首先,如果您在指定的第二个数据库中的用户名未被授予CREATE SESSION系统特权,您将收到此消息。其次,如果在数据库链接定义的连接字符串中指定的用户名未被授予CREATE SESSION系统特权,您将收到此消息。,
.操作:您执行的操作取决于消息的原因:在第一种情况下,请确保在辅助数据库中的用户名被授予CREATE SESSION系统特权。在第二种情况下,请确保在数据库链接定义的连接字符串中指定的用户名被授予辅助数据库中的CREATE SESSION系统特权。,
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