



ORA-12047: PCT FAST REFRESH cannot be used for materialized view "string"."string"

ORA-12047: PCT FAST REFRESH cannot be used for materialized view "string"."string"
Cause: PCT refresh is either not enabled on this materialized view or not possible after set of the base table changes since last refresh.
Action: Use just REFRESH FORCE, which will reinstantiate the entire table and try to pick the best refresh method on the materialized view Do explain_mview to look at the cause why PCT refresh is not possible on this materialized view

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1 个回答

ORA-12047:PCT FAST REFRESH不能用于实例化视图“ string ”。“ string ”,
.操作:仅使用REFRESH FORCE,这将重新建立整个表,并尝试在物化视图上选择最佳刷新方法执行explain_mview查看在此实例化视图上不可能进行PCT刷新的原因,
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